Watch our National Championships Highlights

The Bunnings Trade PowerPass Apprentice has been designed just for apprentices. It gives you access to all the great benefits that Bunnings Trade PowerPass customers receive, but without having to wait until you’ve completed your apprenticeship. Here’s what you get:
- Access to PowerPass offers on a wide range of trade products
- PowerPass App to check stock levels at your nearest store, aisle location, and add products to cart for quick and easy self-checkout
- Invitations to exclusive trade events
- Bunnings Trade merchandise
PowerPass Apprentice cards can be used at Bunnings Stores and Trade Centres. It gives you access to a fantastic range of exclusive prices and benefits not normally available until you complete your apprenticeship. Why wait
when you can start enjoying the benefits of PowerPass Apprentice today?

Tell us what you really think!

During the 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Championship, we conducted a survey to understand the impacts the Nationals have on all our stakeholders.
If you were a competitor, judge, partner, employer or audience member, we would love to hear from you. The survey will take 10-15 minutes and there are $250 gift cards to be won.
Please scan the QR code or click on the button below.
We appreciate your input and opinion.
Skillaroos Team Australia update!

Tour de Lyon
We invite you to Express you Interest in travelling to Lyon in September 2024 to support Team Australia compete. We are hoping to take a business delegation who will have access to the International VET conference in addition to the competition as well as a supporters tour, who have the very important role of supporting the team in green and gold!
Click on the relevant tour and register your interest to receive further information in due course.

Interested? Get in touch with our Partnerships Team
2023 National VET Conference
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
2-3 November 2023

Proud Partners - 2023 National Championships

Proud Supporters - 2023 National Championships