Being a part of the WorldSkills Australia regional competition offers a multitude of advantages that extend beyond the competition itself. First and foremost, it provides a platform for individuals to showcase their talents and skills, allowing them to gain recognition and validation for their hard work and dedication. This exposure can be a stepping stone to future career opportunities, as it often brings participants to the attention of industry leaders and potential employers. Moreover, the regional competition fosters personal and professional growth by encouraging continuous learning and improvement. Participants gain valuable experience, sharpen their skills, and expand their knowledge in a supportive and competitive environment. The competition also promotes networking, allowing participants to connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and experts in their respective fields. Overall, being a part of the WorldSkills Australia regional competition not only enhances one's skills and career prospects but also provides a sense of accomplishment and a valuable sense of belonging to a community that values excellence and skill development.
Interested? Get in touch with our Partnerships Team

Our thanks again to our Platinum Partner for the 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Championships, Bunnings Trade. We were pleased to present Anita Donnelly and Zoe Molloy with a framed complete set of our 2023 Medals, in recognition of the valued support of Bunnings Trade this year.

A Q&A with

- Why was Amazon Web Services (AWS) interested in supporting the 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Tournament?
Research highlights the need for digital skills given the gap that currently exists in Australia, in addition, the recent Gallup “Australia Digital Skills Study,” commissioned by Amazon Web Services revealed that a digitally advanced workforce contributes an estimated $41 billion to the annual GDP thanks to their higher income and productivity. As a leader in the tech industry, we are committed to helping learners develop their cloud technology skills and understanding what job opportunities are available. WorldSkills Australia enables us to connect with learners and help them as they progress along their cloud technology learning journey in a fun yet competitive way!
- How does AWS extend its support to the education sector beyond its involvement with WorldSkills Australia?
AWS believes it is time to move beyond business as usual to create the conditions for success where skills can be acquired in hours, and credentials acquired in days. To do that, we need to develop a culture of lifelong learning – right through from school to the workforce - to skill Australia at scale and nurture a digitally-skilled talent pool for the future. We are excited about the number of people we are helping across the region to get access to vital digital skills training that will set them up for success. So far, AWS has trained over 300,000 individuals in Australia on cloud skills since 2017, through skilling initiatives such as AWS Skill Builder offers which a digital learning experience that allows anyone with an internet connection and a desire to learn to access over 500 free, on-demand courses, in 16 different languages.
AWS offers a variety of free resources to students and teachers who desire to learn more about cloud technology. Some of the programs we offer include: AWS Educate, AWSAcademy, AWS Cloud Quest, and AWS Skill Builder. These programs are designed to help learners, , whether they are at the beginning of their learning journey or preparing for jobs in IT. In addition, our Skills to Jobs Team works hand-in-hand with academic institutions by delivering training to learners that is aligned to real-world skills and connecting those learners to our global network of over 1.4M partners/customers looking for employees.
- What aspects of the 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Championships did AWS find most compelling?
It was truly inspiring to see so many students from across Australia who were eager to demonstrate their skills across a vast number of industries and professions!
For the Cloud Computing students in particular, our team was impressed with how well-prepared the students were for the competition. We designed challenges that many of the students completed in half the time we anticipated! Well done to the students for their hard work and to their teachers who sent them to the competition ready to compete. Keep up the great work!
We look forward to our continued work with WorldSkills Australia, and are keen to support any TAFE interested in providing their students and teachers with cloud computing resources and training.

Commending Excellence in Mechatronics with

We take great pride in recognising outstanding proficiency in the Mechatronics skill category during our recent National Championships, and it is with pleasure that we highlight the remarkable achievement of MAGNUS ANDERSON and WILL VESTERGAARD from the Melbourne Region. Their exceptional talents secured the prestigious Tjerk Dusseldorp Best in Nation Award! Their mechatronic masterpiece not only wowed the audience but showcased the precision and innovation that define Festo's commitment to excellence.
We extend our gratitude to Festo, our esteemed partner, for their support in fostering brilliance and advancing the boundaries of mechatronics.

2023 National Championships: Celebrating ArcTick Excellence and Innovation!
We wholeheartedly congratulate the champions whose outstanding professionalism and unwavering expertise shone in this year's competition. Their ability to excel under pressure has set a new industry standard, inspiring future generations.
We extend our special gratitude to ArcTick for their role in nurturing this remarkable skill. ArcTick's commitment to excellence and innovation has been instrumental in elevating the competition to new heights.
The 2023 National Championships Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning competition will be remembered. We applaud the winners for their dedication, commend ArcTick for their integral support, and eagerly anticipate a future of continued excellence and innovation.

Tour de Lyon
We invite you to Express you Interest in travelling to Lyon in September 2024 to support Team Australia compete. We are hoping to take a business delegation who will have access to the International VET conference in addition to the competition as well as a supporters tour, who have the very important role of supporting the team in green and gold!
Click on the relevant tour and register your interest to receive further information in due course.

2023 National VET Conference
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
2-3 November 2023

Proud Partners - 2023 National Championships

Proud Supporters - 2023 National Championships